this is where the bad girls and boys go. sit and think about what you’ve done, conspiring against the collective and all that. you ought to be ashamed of yourzelf.
you’re in luck. we used to hang criminals like you, then they changed it to a pole we’d strap you to and fire our weapons into you, then they changed it to a chair that shot ninety million volts of lightning through your brain, then they changed it to a little bit of liquid we stuck under your skin, and now it’s this. you get a time out. you’re well aware of the consequences, you know how bad it is to think for yourself. all kinds of people have done all kinds of wrong that way. from now on, why don’t you leave the thinking to the officials, like the rest of us do? they’re much better suited for it, you see. they know what’s best for us, they have our best interests in mind, and they would never lie to us. you end up in here again, and it’ll be a full wipe. all your memories gone instead of just a few of them. maybe next time you’ll value your memories more and stop doing all that harmful thinking for yourself stuff. when you leave, we’ll provide you with a pamphlet detailing a few examples of safe and legal thoughts that will not lead to questioning our leadership.